Video Store Memories Vol. 3

 Yesterday I was in the line at the dump and it was taking forever so I checked out Marketplace and saw a $2 VHS sale not far away so I thought I should have a peek. I wasn’t expecting to find a tape I have been seeking for over a decade. The totally thrashed Super Mario Bros! I’m picky about where my tapes come from, I could easily go on eBay and get this, but it’s not $2, shipping on tapes sucks and it’s just not the same. These tapes have stickers from the local video store, to me that makes it even better. One day I am going to see if I have a sticker from everywhere I have lived since being old enough to rent movies. I’m pretty sure I’d have close to all of them, or at leased used to. I used to trade tapes a lot, but now I am pretty much off social media and all groups and stick to my own company. Slowly becoming a disgruntled old man… anyways, I spent a grant total of $7 and got a week or two worth of tapes to watch while I build cabinets in my workshop. 


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