Core Memory

 This is nothing special, just an incomplete Toxie, you can't even make the big bucks without the accessories! 

Can you see how the edges of all the orange is worn, and the green has some darker parts? That's because this Toxie was played with in the early 90s by not only my childhood friend, but yours truly! 

My friend was going through his childhood toybox and unearther some core memories, and of course sent me some photos, so if you are reading this Woods, thanks!

 I don't know if I have wrote about my Toxic Crusader memories before, but that's another story because I was never allowed to get any, but this is a story about how it takes a village to raise a hideously deformed creature of superhuman size and strength.

My folks worked all the time, I didn't think about it as a kid because we lived in a tiny village and I just thought I got to hang out with my friends and Grandma all the time, but it turns out they were babysitting my feral brothers and I. One of our sitters that I specifically remember had two daughters so their toys weren't great, but they had a Nintendo with the Olympics game, with the big mat you jump on. Anyways one day while we were there, our other friends were there too, I think all our Mom's were hanging out drinking Diet Coke and gossiping, so us kids were out in the yard playing. My friend brought his new toy, and let me try it out, and of course, it was Toxie! We took him in the garden and buried him, busting out of the dirt time after time. In my memory we played until sundown but it was probably only 15 minutes ha but it stuck! 

So I would like to think that I helped create some of the patina on this Toxic Crusader! 


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