A thrift nugget

Remember how we all went absolutely nuts for Boo Buckets and then new Nugget buddies in late 2023? Well I used up all my McDonalds points on the Kerwin Frost meals because I was caught in the hype myself and then ended up getting Don Bernice for 3 of our 4 nuggets. Hype stopped there, because the meals in Canada cost $18 after tax. Without my surplus of Monopoly points I was out. As far as I am concerned Uptown Moe was the best one anyways, and my oldest got him. 
Imagine my surprise when I found a 4 piece nugget bagged up at Value Village, for $3.99!? (I’m not actually that surprised, chasing Happy Meal premiums is a waste of time because I have seen every single one at thrift within 3 months) 

Brrrick is pretty RAD but this baby Nugget might be my favourite. I don’t know Kerwin Frost and even after some googling I am still not entirely sure what he does but I do love that we got new nuggets. There’s even a gold nugget on our local marketplace for the low low price of ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS. 

Of course, at the thrift store you gotta get some weird thrifting in. What is this bootleg white Darf Fader. I wish this was in a bag with something else cool so I had a reason to have buyers remorse later, but no such luck on this trip. Besides that, I didn’t grow up with Star Trek so this holds no nostalgia for me, I just thought my kids would find it funny, so I got a photo, which is free. 
Here’s the opposite of buyers remorse. Two thrift trips ago, I found a cool horror novel with a black cover with an embossed silhouette of a dude in a flannel shirt. I left it behind for some reason. I went back the next day and it was gone. There’s someone else who collects horror novels because they never last, hopefully they have a garage sale eventually. Not willing to take that chance again I put the gorilla grip on this reverse version of the same idea, embossed white on white. I hope it’s a snow storm novel, as we are in the middle of one here. 

Then I saw a familiar face. I thought it was a figure at first but when I grabbed it, I realized it was the bike horn from McDonalds Real Ghostbusters promotion in the very early 90s. The best part is I actually had this on my green banana bike, obviously named the cucumber bike! My brother had the Ecto-1 for his. These aren’t rare, I just haven’t come across one but it’s been something I’d hoped to find. I wonder if it will fit on my adult sized bike, might have to try it this spring. 

Ghostbusters stuff is high on my list of things I literally never look for but am so psyched to find. I have built a nice little collection at thrifts etc maybe someday I will tell you about my $3.99 Firehouse Play-set. Until then, keep bustin’ those thrift stores my friends, there is always something cool to see and to share. 
For the keen observer of the occult, yes you did in fact see the Kenner Real Ghostbusters Ghost Zapper in the background! We have to talk more about this, but trust me when I say only a video can do it justice. It will happen, in due time. Trying to work out the kinks of how I want to do video segments.  


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