The Rule of Three

 One is an item, two is a statement, but three is the magic number for a collection. Until you reach three you don't have a collection. I live and breathe by this mantra, even if it means I have to flex the rules a little here and there to justify keeping certain plastic mutants. 

Starting a collection is simple if you have a mindset for it. When you are hitting the bag wall at Value Village for a few months and finally pick up your third slime toy, you have curated a small collection worthy of sharing with the world.

 Curation being the key word. I like eclectic collections, don't get me wrong, but when someone puts three or more things together that you wouldn't think of together, it's magnetic, you have to look a few times and think about how you could do this with your own collection. At least I do.

This is my main rule for my collection, it's more of an obsession, or superstition. For example, I recently came across a Captain Planet figure, and I already had Duke Nukem. Now I need a friend for Kwame, who actually came repainted in a two pack with Ma-Ti. See that would have been perfect, 3 items. But I think I would prefer another villain, or Captain Planet, who I always pass at stores and shows, because I know I'll find one for 25 cents at a garage sale. It might not make sense to anyone but me, but it is MY collection so it's my rule. 

What are your collection rules? Comment below, so I can have new things to be weird about. 


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