My favourite shirt and fashion tips for Dads

Early last year I decided maybe I would start wearing graphic tees again, after a long hiatus. I came across some really cool designs on teepublic and they were having a sale so I ordered a few. They came a couple weeks later, and I have been wearing them since. The shirt/hoodie quality is great, I ordered a baseball tee and a hoodie. The print on the hoodie is OK at best, they should have printed white first then the colour because it was fairly transparent from day one. My big complaint though is the sizing. Everything fits way small. Like a Large baseball tee is barely bigger than a medium etc. That's where my fashion tips come in. 

If you are a middle aged man with kids and a a job etc etc you probably don't have time to hit the gym or the trails as often as one should. A couple sympathy bellies for your wife's pregnancies, a couple "I'll eat better after the Christmas season" have passed and now you're the proud owner of a Dad-Bod. 
Well you are in luck because I learned a good trick to hide it. 
You get a black shirt with a decent sized print, then layer it with your favourite slightly over sized flannel and boom, you are blending in, belly unnoticed. Work's every time.
You're welcome.

 If you wanna get yourself this Swamp Thing/TMNT mash up shirt here's a link. The artists on teepublic only get $4 per shirt or $2 when they are on sale, so order a few while you're on there. They literally have something for everyone, no matter how obscure it seems. 

Tune in next week for receding hairline tips and tricks.


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